Quality: thanks to the combination of the following features it is possible to obtain an optimal and uniform package density that cannot be reached on traditional grooved drum machines:
Automatic “on-line” yarn tension control with a resolution of 0,1 g that assures a constant control and adjustment of the winding tension;
Pneumatic digital control of the pressure of take-up arms with a resolution of 0,01 bar that assures an optimal package density;
Electronic anti patterning;
High precision digital meter counter;
Acceleration/deceleration ramp that allows to process even delicate and fine staple fibre yarns;
Aluminum drums treated with hard anodizing to assure a proper traverse and an excellent package formation without any abrasion to the yarn when passing through the drum groove.
Productivity: the use of sturdy high quality aluminum drums treated with hard anodizing allows to reach high winding speeds up to 1.400 m/min (mechanical speed up to 1800 m/min).
Operating costs: the use of the Brushless motor technology (instead of AC motors normally used on drum machines) greatly reduces energy consumption and maintenance. Thanks to this technology our MITO machines are the ones that absolutely consume less energy and maintenance materials in their field. In choosing the type of drum for the MITO range of machines, Fadis has decided not to come to any compromise and to install the best aluminum drums treated with hard anodizing available on the market. Their durability is guaranteed by the hard anodizing treatment that significantly hardens the surface of the drums and by an optimum surface layer with very high anti-abrasion characteristics and low friction coefficient. Since aluminum film is made by a chemical reaction, not by plating, the film will not flake in case of accidental impacts. This means a longer lifetime of the drums, thus drastically reducing the maintenance costs. On request it is possible to supply drums reinforced with ceramic inserts.
Space efficient and compact “double side” design: Fadis has studied and developed the MITO machine with the most compact and rational “double side” design existing on the market. This means lower investment in buildings, lighting and electricity, thus a larger environmental protection of “green spaces” and reduction of shipping costs thanks to an increased container loading capacity.
- Thanks to the installation of one inverter for each spindle, it is possible to process different articles at the same time.
- From the Touch Screen Industrial PC located in the drive end it is possible to create a work chart for each processed yarn, with all the chosen, set up and saved parameters. Each time the operator wishes to process the same article, it is sufficient to recall the code of the previously set chart. It is possible to save up to 999 work charts. The memorized articles, may be recalled for each single winding spindle, for sections or for the entire machine.
- The machines of the MITO range are available in 3 different pitches, thus giving the possibility to choose a traverse from 150 to 250 mm (depending on the chosen drum).
The drum machines of the MITO range represent a new concept of winding platform. Thanks to more than 60 years of company experience, to the most advanced technologies and to innovative solutions, the MITO machines offer the best quality, productivity, reduced operating costs and versatility available on the market today.
Fadis is the only company in the world that has integrated, in one machine, the consolidated system of the electronic grooved drum with a series of advanced technologies like:
- Automatic “Tens Control™” “on-line tension device;
- Pneumatic control of the take-up arm pressure;
- Brushless motor technology;
- 1 inverter for each spindle.
Thanks to this new platform it has been possible to combine the technology of a high level machine with the simplicity of use and maintenance of a drum machine.